We have recently been hit by the floods in KZN, with devastating effects on our fragile economy. This has further been compounded by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, evident in the price of fuel and cooking oil going extraordinarily high. Poverty, corruption, and a high unemployment rate have ravaged the country.
Suddenly, a whole R22 million was to be spent on a flag for educational purposes;> as announced by the minister of sport, arts, and culture, Nati Mthethwa.
The announcement that the R22 million is to be spent on a flag to be displayed for the so-called "educational purposes" raised a wave of controversy on what the government spends public funds on. South Africans questioned why the government would finance so much on a "frivolous" project. There are so many unresolved issues tormenting many South Africans in this debilitating economy we have been facing for years now. According to Neesa Moodley from the Daily Maverick, "South African consumers are heavily over-indebted and likely to become more so, given that we are at the bottom of a rising interest rate cycle and salaries don't appear to be keeping pace with inflation."
Such initiatives of using R22 million could relieve South Africans from the weight of socio-economic challenges faced daily. Some called the project ridiculous as there are so many mounting socio-economic challenges that look to be unnoticed by the government. There have been so many outcries from millions of South Africans struggling to make ends meet. With the state of our economy, South Africans want to see projects and initiatives that will improve it. South Africans should be the priority as there are many in need of a helping hand during this difficult time.
After the public outcry, the R22M flag project got cancelled by President Cyril Ramaphosa. Mthethwa's chief of staff, JP Louw: "Minister Nathi Mthethwa has followed up and taken note of public discourse that has unfolded in respect of the envisaged monumental flag over the past few days. The diversity of voices around this important heritage project is welcomed as it speaks to our country's vibrant constitutional democracy and the freedoms that must be upheld beyond posterity."
We can feel that South Africans' voices have been heard, and this can be considered as a small win towards more wins where our voices will be heard over the challenges raised as we stand united for our rights as South Africans and strive to live in a debt free society.
The Credit Rescue mission is to strive towards a debt free society.